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Registered Heresy: No Holds Barred Political Analysis: Is There a Compassionate Left?

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Is There a Compassionate Left?

It's an honest question. I mean we all know the stereotype of the general left is to care about the world, show empathy as President Obama put it, and there is nothing whatsoever wrong with it.

That is, until you understand the motives.

To know if a person, group, or party genuinely feels for another being is beyond the reach of my knowledge. I have to rely on their actions to pass my judgment as I hope you the dear reader makes a habit of doing as well.

Agreed? Good lets proceed.

Remember how upset the activist were at the most recent Bush administration's inaction over Sudan. It appeared as though Iraq was worth liberating since it had oil and strategic importance for the American Middle East strategy, but poor Sudan had neither the oil or the political value. It just had genocide of Christians. So the heartless Republicans ignored the helpless and only gave freedom to those who would benefit the US financially.

So....where is the outrage over Sudan now? I mean, shouldn't Obama do something about that? It certainly isn't getting any better. Would it not fall in line with his view that America is better off gaining the approval of the world rather than acting in its own self-interest?

Don't hear much from the ONE campaign lately either.

Let's remember who's watch Rwanda happened under. Oh yeah, Clinton who "felt our pain". Except Black Hawk Down made him nervous about sending in troops anymore and political coverage was more important than saving millions from machetes.

Sudan suffers because it is Christians being persecuted by the Muslim government, and it wouldn't be cool for the US to support Christians over Muslims on the world stage. That's why it continues. As for Rwanda, nobody cares about Africa when it counts. Sure the West will throw some aid money at it, but until free, stable capitalist based governments are the norm, it will remain the Dark Continent.

Heck we had the French help us out during our Revolution...oh yeah Britain was their sworn enemy....hmmm strategic value or compassion?

Politicians may say they care about all people, but sometimes it takes more than aid or gestures to solve a problem.

It takes courage.

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