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Registered Heresy: No Holds Barred Political Analysis: Obama... Why?

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Obama... Why?

When John McCain considers taxing health benefits, it's worthy of a political ad...

Then, when several current healthcare plan proposals include taxing certain people's health benefits, you're not as vocal? No denouncing the idea with an "I approve this message."

Am I not justified in worrying about all of these healthcare proposals? Or am I just in favor of the status quo?

Why is it when running for the Democractic presidential nomination and running for president, you were against a mandate for health insurance...

Now, http://www.msnbc.msn...th_care/page/2/

"But I've changed my mind on this because what I've — was persuaded of was
that, if we can phase this in so that we know there's affordable insurance out
there — and, in fact, a lot of the uninsured are relatively young people who
could be insured fairly cheaply — that that actually will drive down the cost
for everybody."

Am I not justified to be worried about all of the healthcare proposals? Or am I just supporting the status quo?

Why did your tax increase plan change? First, your proposed tax rates wouldn't exceed the rates of the 1990's under Bill Clinton.

Austan Goolsbee currently a White House economist, from less than a year ago...

Now, in regards to paying for the healthcare plan....


"Obama said that taxing millionaires did "meet his principle" that the middle
class wouldn't have to pay for the bill."

So if the surtax passes, tax rates will exceed the rates of the 1990's under Bill Clinton.

Ok, move along, there's nothing more to see.

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