Did you really care about who was class president or homecoming king/queen? I sure didn't, and certainly would not base my judgment of a person based on such titles. If anything, you have to wonder about the type of person who would even allow themselves to be nominated for such a meaningless victory, where the only reward is a healthy dose of self-indulged and delusional popularity. To succeed in one's academic career, it takes a whole lot more than a popularity contest decided by indifferent, possibly intoxicated voters.
Oh wait, that's exactly how we've been deciding political elections for well over a century now.
In fact, I have little doubt a national random sample of homecoming king/queens would have done less damage to the financial security of our dear land than the past 20 or so Congresses. For the finance and budget committee chairs, lets have a couple of randomly selected high school accounting club member. Surely they would have a better grasp of simple to understand concepts such as balanced budgets and the inherent flaws of baseline budgeting.
I'd suggest a chess club champion for the senate intelligence chair. Rest assured, such a analytical mind would make better use of the pieces allotted to him, without leaning on constant funding hikes to stay ahead of the dark side.
Has anyone noticed how Yes We Can has turned into no, you really, really shouldn't. The thrill of electing a popular class President fades fast when the winner fails to take down the banners and posters from the halls. It's no small wonder why no one bothers to vote one election day anymore; who can remember which day is election day when Presidents never stop campaigning. Perhaps a national lottery would put a stop to this, simply have the winner occupy the Oval Office for a year with the original limitations set forth by the framers. What harm could he/she do? Statically, every ethnic group would have a "fair" chance of being represented; surely that's the aim of "social justice" right?
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Nice Post. I sometimes think successfully elected politicians get a secret powerpoint where it's explained how current budgetary behavior makes our financial collapse a mathematical certainty. And then their told how much they can make through the system while they pretend to change how we do things.
Unfortunetly, "sound money" policies have been equated with a "lack of compassion" for the indebted since the Gilded Age. As a vet of several colleges, I strongly believe the reason American fiscal policy has become a house of cards is due to the total domination of the education system by progressives of all shades. The Keynesian economic theory blesses the social spending of progressives and offensive military spending of the industrial military complex alike and together. Surely, at least having the dollar based on silver, forget gold for now, is not such a high standard to follow?
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